Reading Deadlines
You are responsible for reading the following chapters and knowing the definitions of that section's vocabulary words by the following dates.
Chapters 1, 2 & Section 1 Vocab: Thursday, April 25
Chapters 3, 4 & Section 2 Vocab: Thursday, May 2
Chapters 5, 6, 7 & Section 3 Vocab: Thursday, May 9
Chapters 8, 9 & Section 4 Vocab: Thursday, May 16
Chapters 10, 11, 12 & Section 5 Vocab: Thursday, May 23
Chapter Summaries
You are responsible for writing chapter summaries for each chapter each week. The summary should be detailed and should make it clear that you read the chapter. Typed summaries will be due at the end of the unit with your book report on Wednesday, June 5
Book Report
Due Wednesday, June 5
Scroll down to the "Book Report" section to download the assignment sheet and grading rubric.
Culminating Test
Thursday, June 6
We will be having many in-class group assignments from now until May. If you are absent and miss an assignment, you are responsible for meeting with Mrs. Pendell outside of class to get an alternative assignment to make-up the missed points.