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Math Policies
Homework & Classwork    Grading    Late Work & Absences    Paper Format

Homework & Classwork

Math students should expect to have math homework every night. In math, you must practice the skills you learn in class in order to master them. In 7th grade math, students learn pre-algebra skills that have not been introduced in previous grades. Many students have found that they need to study their math in 7th grade more than they have had to in previous grades because it is all new material. Students should review their notes daily, even if only for a few minutes.

Students who earn less than an 80% on their homework are required to make corrections. For students who earned 80% or above, corrections are optional but highly recommended. Corrections are worth 1 point each and are due the next day in class. Corrections must be stapled to the top of the original homework for credit.

Be sure you come to class prepared with lined paper, your math book, several pencils, and an eraser. Later in the year, you will also need to come prepared with graph paper.


Homework is 50% of the math grade. The other 50% comes from tests.

If a student earnes less than an 80% on a test, they are required to retake it to try to earn a better score. The test retake will be given after school the week after the first test was given. This will be the only chance to retake the test. These dates will be given to the class at least a week in advance and will be posted on the math assignments page. Test retakes will be a different version of the original chapter test. The highest score will be recorded in the grade book.

If your child finds him or herself struggling in math, please feel free to contact me so we can figure out how to help your child be successful. Also, please contact me if you would like extra practice worksheets.

Late Work & Absences

For a student to be successful in math, they must keep up on their homework. Homework assignments are listed on the math assignments page and are due the day after they are assigned. If a student chooses not to do the assignment, not only will they serve lunch detention, but they are also missing out on the valuable assignment review in class.

If you are absent, you have as many days as you are absent to turn in missing work for full credit. After that many days, they are considered late. If you know you are going to be absent, it is best to check in with Mrs. Pendell to get your assignments ahead. Once you get behind, it can be difficult to catch up. Use the math assignment page to help you keep up!

Late math assignments will be worth half credit and will not be accepted after the chapter test.

Paper Format

Your homework and classwork are required to follow a certain format for Mrs. Pendell's class. Math homework may only be completed in pencil (this does not include colored pencils).

All work MUST be shown for credit. If you do not show your work, your assignment will be handed back and will be considered late. Attempt all problems.

Each assignment must be done in pencil.

1. Start with the heading in the top right corner of the lined paper:
        First Last

2. On the top line, write out the full assignment. For example: p. 291 #1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 21

3. Skip lines, put problem numbers to the left of the red line. Write out the problem, be sure to show your work.

4. Circle your final answer.

5. Graphs must be done on graph paper. If you have work on graph paper, put a note on your lined paper and attach the graph paper to your homework.

Here is an example of how your work should be formatted:

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