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Manzanita Elementary School
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Language Arts Policies
Homework & Classwork    Late Work & Absences    Homework & Classwork Minimum Standards    Essay Minimum Standards

Homework & Classwork

Generally speaking, homework is typically schoolwork that does not get finished in class. For Language Arts, students will also be expected to read 30 minutes per night of an appropriate level chapter book. Each Friday, a summary of what the student has read for the week will be due with a record of the pages read.  Download the Weekly Reading Log here. This reading log requires a parent signature. Parents, please review the reading log for completeness and legibility, and sign on Thursday night each week.

Students can expect to write 4-6 essays and do 2 book reports this year.

Late Work & Absences

Assignments are given because they relate to concepts being dealt with in class. The assignments help reinforce ideas discussed or skills being developed. If you choose not to do an assignment on time, you miss an opportunity to interact with the teacher and classmates about the material being covered. Since 90% of the assignments we do are corrected and reviewed by you in class, if you don't have your work, you miss the chance to receive feedback on what you've done, as well as a step in the sequence of learning. In addition, completed homework is one of the best ways of assessing your progress and mastery of the standards. It's a way for me to determine if you're understanding what you're supposed to be learning in class.

Daily Work: Students who do not have an assignment completed when it's corrected in class will lose 50% for the assignment being late. Late assignments are due by Friday of the week they were assigned. Late assignments will not be accepted after that deadline.

Reading Logs: Reading logs are due IN CLASS every Friday. Late reading logs will not be accepted. If the reading log is incomplete and/or if a parent signature is missing, the reading log will be considered late and will not be accepted. Reading logs must be completed on the reading log form. Click here to download the reading log form.

Projects & Papers: Students who do not have a project or paper completed on the day it's due will lose 10% for each day it's late.

Lunch-time Detention: Students who choose not to do their homework will be assigned to lunch-time detention.
If you are absent, you have as many days as you were absent to turn in missing work. After that many days, any work will be considered late. If you know you are going to be absent, get your work from Mrs. Pendell before you leave so you don't get behind.


Homework & Classwork Minimum Standards

All student work must meet minimum standards or it will be returned with a Re-Do. No credit will be given for the assignment unless it is done in an acceptable manner and turned in for re-grading by the end of the week.

  • A complete heading must appear in the upper right corner of the paper.

  • The title of the paper or assignment must be written on the top line.

  • Paragraphs must be indented.

  • Proper end punctuation must appear at the end of all sentences.

  • A capital letter must appear at the beginning of all sentences.

  • Papers must be neat & legible: this includes handwriting as well as no tears, stains, etc. on the paper.

  • Directions must be followed accurately.

  • A reasonable amount of thought and effort must be apparent. This includes spell-checking and editing.

  • Work must be written in pencil or black or dark blue ink. Many errors in pen means you need to rewrite to make it look clean or write in pencil.

Essay Minimum Standards

Two of the main goals of Middle Grades Language Arts are to write a confident, well-organized essay in several genres and to prepare for the STAR writing test. This is a timed test which must be handwritten. Because of that, all essays must be handwritten and use the following format:

• heading in upper right hand corner: first and last name, date, subject, period
• dark blue or black ink
• writing on every other line
• writing on one side of paper only
• title on the top line
• 1" margins on both sides of paper
• legible cursive or printing

Please note that these standards are for 6th, 7th, AND 8th grade! Be sure you always have a dark blue or black ink pen handy.

MESD Manzanita Elementary School District
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