
Jim Schroeder

Classroom Expectations

Mr. Schroeder's Classroom Expectations

Manzanita Elementary School 2011-2012


* Students are expected to:

          1. Be respectful and responsible

          2. Arrive to class prepared, attentive, and ready to begin

          3. Remain in their seats unless given permission by Mr. Schroeder

          4. Raise their hand and wait to be called upon before speaking

          5. Put forth their best effort in class at all times

          6. Clean their area, desk, and classroom before dismissal

          7. Follow the six classroom standards


* This class is designed in a manner that provides the students with the teacher's behavioral expectations before each task is presented.

In class students follow SIX STANDARDS that are addressed according to the task at hand.      
 Listening                        2.  Working Alone

3.   Partners                                            4.  Group Work

5.  Discussion                                          6.  Freedom


* If students are unable to follow directions, the following course of action will occur:

Step 1: 1st Warning: Conference with student

          Step 2: 2nd Warning: Conference with student

          Step 3: Student Behavior Report

          Step 4: Final Warning: Conference with student

          Step 5: Citation (sent home and to the office)

* As a student chooses to not follow directions, they will make a mark next to their name on a Student Behavior sheet in the back of the room.  As the marks add up, the steps mentioned above will occur.  Each week, the Student Behavior sheet will be wiped clean and start over.


* The purpose of the Behavior Report is for students to take ownership and responsibility for their behavior in class, while at the same time allowing them to take a closer look at their behavior through description and reflection.  In addition, it is designed for parents to recognize any misbehavior that may be occurring in class.  It is to be filled out in complete sentences by the student, signed by both the student and parent, and returned to class the following school day. 





* These students are in Middle School, and are well aware of how their behavior should be.  My expectation is that they will behave accordingly, be productive, and be respectful.


*This class is designed so that if you work hard and efficiently in class, then your work load at home will be less.  I try to provide time in class for Math homework as often as possible, and in History, typically work that is not finished in class becomes homework.  My advice to you is to use your time wisely, and the benefits will present themselves.

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